The One Health Crisis
Food-borne, water-borne, vector-borne, and zoonotic (FWVZ) pathogens have been on the rise in Canada and around the world with the explosion of globalization, antimicrobial resistance, and climate change. All models predict the burden of FWVZ pathogens on human health is unsustainable, and will worsen as the effects of climate change intensify.To control the spread of FWVZ pathogens, we must integrate research, surveillance systems, and public policies in a holistic ‘One Health’ approach.
One Health recognizes the profound interconnections between human, animal, and environmental health while providing effective, equitable, and sustainable ways to maximize public good and minimize harmful social, economic, health, and environmental outcomes.
The current political and social landscape does not encourage the dissemination of difficult facts or the adoption of sound science-backed public policy. Scientists must learn to effectively and accessibly communicate facts and evidence with politicians and the general public. NSERC CREATE in One Health Against Pathogens (OHAP) was established to train experts in interdisciplinary research, communication, and crafting effective public policy. With these skills and our holistic One Health approach, our graduate students will have what it takes to bring an end to our current global health crises and support the development of preventative technologies and policies to safeguard our shared future.