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  • Contact Us | OHAP CREATE

    CONTACT US The OHAP program is primarily administered from the Department of Food Science and Agricultural Chemistry at McGill University's Macdonald Campus. Phone (514) 398-7923 Address 21,111 Rue Lakeshore, St Anne de Bellevue, Quebec H9X 3V9 Canada For General Inquiries OHAP Associate Program Director Brooklyn Frizzle OHAP Program Director Jennifer Ronholm, PhD Our Partner Schools University of Guelph Lawrence Goodridge, PhD Université de Montréal Christopher Fernandez Prada, PhD University of Saskatchewan Maarten Voordouw, PhD

  • OHAP CREATE | One Health

    The One Health Crisis Food-borne, water-borne, vector-borne, and zoonotic (FWVZ) pathogens have been on the rise in Canada and around the world with the explosion of globalization, antimicrobial resistance, and climate change. All models predict the burden of FWVZ pathogens on human health is unsustainable, and will worsen as the effects of climate change intensify.To control the spread of FWVZ pathogens, we must integrate research, surveillance systems, and public policies in a holistic ‘One Health’ approach. One Health recognizes the profound interconnections between human, animal, and environmental health while providing effective, equitable, and sustainable ways to maximize public good and minimize harmful social, economic, health, and environmental outcomes. The current political and social landscape does not encourage the dissemination of difficult facts or the adoption of sound science-backed public policy. Scientists must learn to effectively and accessibly communicate facts and evidence with politicians and the general public. NSERC CREATE in One Health Against Pathogens (OHAP) was established to train experts in interdisciplinary research, communication, and crafting effective public policy. With these skills and our holistic One Health approach, our graduate students will have what it takes to bring an end to our current global health crises and support the development of preventative technologies and policies to safeguard our shared future. We acknowledge the support of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). Nous remercions le Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et en génie du Canada (CRSNG) de son soutien.

  • Policy Challenge | OHAP CREATE

    Our Annual Policy Challenge Each year, our collaborators and co-applicants assemble a unique case study based on real-world public health challenges involving FWVZ pathogens. These case studies form the basis of our Annual Policy Challenge, a year-long project culminating in a five-day all-expenses-paid retreat. We challenge our PhD trainees, working in interdisciplinary teams, to pitch innovative policy solutions and outreach strategies to a panel of leading stakeholders in government and industry. Our Master’s trainees are then tasked with promoting these solutions, emulating accessible scientific media coverage, and generating public interest in FWVZ pathogens. Throughout the retreat, our trainees will receive coaching and mentorship from experienced leaders in health and public policy while they put the finishing touches on their policy solutions and media coverage. Our retreat peaks on its final day, when each PhD team will present their pitches to our panel of expert judges alongside an audience of their peers. PhD trainees should be prepared to answer questions and receive constructive feedback for professional development while our Master’s trainees receive feedback on their media coverage. The 2023-2024 Challenge An effective human vaccine against Lyme disease has existed since the mid 1990's. However, the anti-vaccine movement and subsequent disappointing vaccine uptake led the manufacturer to discontinue its commercial production. Thousands of people are now needlessly suffering from Lyme disease and symptoms associated with post-Lyme disease. While new vaccines are currently in stage three clinical testing, some fear they may meet the same fate. What public policies need to be put in place in Canada to ensure access to safe and effective vaccines against Lyme disease for those who want to be immunized? Lecture Slides Lecture Recording Our First Annual Policy Challenge Our first Policy Challenge was a year-long activity, culminating in a week-long retreat hosted at McGill's Gault Nature Reserve. The event featured speakers from organizations like Health Canada, the Office of the Chief Science Advisor, and the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, alongside prominent voices from academia. The last day of the retreat was punctuated by final presentations from our PhD and Masters students, showing off their policy proposals and promotional media. Policy Solutions Three teams of our PhD trainees were asked to propose policy solutions addressing the issue of Lyme disease vaccinations. You can find the policy briefs they created to pitch their proposals here. Lyme Disease Vaccine for Canadians: Policy Brief Ivan Drahun, Alexandra Foley-Eby, Cody Koloski, & Yuxiao Lu Lyme Disease Prevention: Enhancing Vaccine Access and Public Awareness Initiatives Gillian Cameron, Fiona Hui, Natalia Lorenc, & Alla Yushchenko Towards Trust: Policy Initiatives for Vaccine Confidence through Transparency and Education Audrey Corbeil, Rafael Fernandes Ferreira, Cody Malone, & Taylor Volappi Promotional Media Our Masters' students were tasked with creating promotional media, with three students paired with PhD teams to promote their policy proposals and one student promoting Lyme awareness. Promotional Media: Towards Trust Giuliana Matta Promotional Media: Lyme Disease Vaccine for Canadians Sarah Donald Promotional Media: Lyme Disease Prevention Yuxin Hu Promotional Media: Lyme Disease Awareness Paul Glenn

  • Funding | OHAP CREATE

    Supporting our Students Recognizing the financial barriers to collaboration with industry and government, the OHAP program provides successful applicants with renewable stipends for the duration of their training. These stipends are designed to allow our trainees to participate in otherwise unfunded internships and collaborative research placements while acknowledging the substantial time commitment expected from our trainees. Eligible applicants can receive total stipends of up to $22,000 per year , for the duration of their training (2 years for Master's applicants, 3 years for PhD applicants). Applicants facing financial difficulties may request additional needs-based funding, depending on their financial circumstances and the resources available. To be considered for needs-based funding, please contact the Associate Director . Apply Now Funding Options Students may apply under one of three general funding categories. Alternative funding structures can be negotiated between your supervisor and the Program Director , on a case-by-case basis, as long as the total stipend amount equals at least $22,000 per year for eligible students. Note: Successful applicants must disclose any additional awards or other funding received after their application submission date. In an effort to distribute our resources more equitably, applicants with total annual funding exceeding $40,000, not including stipend matching by their supervisors, may have their stipends reduced . Notwithstanding, applicants in unique and extenuating circumstances may contest any reduction to their stipends by contacting the Associate Director . Co-Funding (Stipend Matching) Applicants at participating Universities (McGill University, the University of Saskatchewan, the University of Guelph, and l’Université de Montréal) are eligible to receive $11,000 per year from OHAP for the duration of their training. This funding must be fully matched by their supervisors for a total stipend of $22,000 per year for the duration of their training. Note: Supervisors who are unable to fulfill their stipend-matching obligations may be asked not to put forward future applicants, on a case-by-case basis. Full Funding (Indigenous Applicants) Self-identified Indigenous (First Nation, Métis, or Inuk) applicants at participating Universities (McGill University, the University of Saskatchewan, the University of Guelph, and l’Université de Montréal) are eligible to receive $22,000 per year from OHAP for the duration of their training, with no requirement for stipend matching by their supervisors. Note: Supervisors with sufficient resources are encouraged to provide further funding to their students in addition to the OHAP stipend. Unfunded (Non-Stipend Applicants) Applicants at non-participating Universities or with prior funding exceeding a total of $40,000 , not including stipend matching by their supervisor, are welcome to participate in the OHAP program but are not eligible for OHAP funding . Non-stipend applicants are accepted in addition to applicants in other funding categories and are not subjected to the same level of competitive scrutiny. Rejected applicants may also request to be considered in this category if they are able to receive alternative funding. All applicants, regardless of their funding category, must satisfy the minimum standards described in our Application Portal . Note: Applicants at non-participating Universities may not be eligible for travel expense reimbursement and are encouraged to find alternative funding for any costs associated with required travel (e.g. travel to and from our Annual Policy Challenge).

  • Year One | OHAP CREATE

    One Health, One Year A look back at OHAP's first year in action. From the moment our funding was received in May 2023, One Health Against Pathogens was taken from a grant proposal to a full-scale experiential training program in only four months. From the beginning, our first year in operation was lovingly known as our "learning year" — our opportunity to adjust and refine our activities to reflect the realities of running a multi-year, multi-million dollar training program spanning four major universities. Though it was not without its hiccups, our first year was also a time of great success. We developed a meaningful visual identity and robust web platform, delivered on all of our major programming, and attracted partnerships from the Smithsonian Institution to the highest rungs of the federal government. As a testament to our continued dedication to learning and improving, an exhaustive report and recommendations were prepared, outlining our plans to grow our programming, internal organization, communications, outreach, and recruitment. This report was largely based on the feedback and suggestions of our first cohort of trainees. We thank them for their endless patience, encouragement, and understanding. Here you can read our full Feedback Report and Recommendations Year One by the Numbers A snapshot of our first year, detailing our progress in recruitment and programming. Recruitment Our first cohort counted 17 students, with 13 more recruited for the 2024 cohort. An unexpected abundance of non-stipend and priorly funded applicants means we will likely be able to exceed our recruitment quotas, offering more opportunities to interested students than we initially hoped for. Skill Development Studios 11 skill development studios were offered throughout 2023-2024, with 86% average participation. Non-Academic Mentorships For our first cohort, 100% of our trainees were paired with non-academic mentors from the public sector. These mentors meet with trainees regularly to help guide their professional paths, exposing them to careers outside of academia. Our First Annual Policy Challenge Our first Policy Challenge was a year-long activity, culminating in a week-long retreat hosted at McGill's Gault Nature Reserve. The event featured speakers from organizations like Health Canada, the Office of the Chief Science Advisor, and the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, alongside prominent voices from academia. The last day of the retreat was punctuated by final presentations from our PhD and Masters students, showing off their policy proposals and promotional media. Policy Solutions Three teams of our PhD trainees were asked to propose policy solutions to the following question: An effective human vaccine against Lyme disease has existed since the mid 1990's. However, the anti-vaccine movement and subsequent disappointing vaccine uptake led the manufacturer to discontinue its commercial production. Thousands of people are now needlessly suffering from Lyme disease and symptoms associated with post-Lyme disease. While new vaccines are currently in stage three clinical testing, some fear they may meet the same fate. What public policies need to be put in place in Canada to ensure access to safe and effective vaccines against Lyme disease for those who want to be immunized? You can find the policy briefs they created to pitch their proposals here: Lyme Disease Vaccine for Canadians: Policy Brief Ivan Drahun, Alexandra Foley-Eby, Cody Koloski, & Yuxiao Lu Lyme Disease Prevention: Enhancing Vaccine Access and Public Awareness Initiatives Gillian Cameron, Fiona Hui, Natalia Lorenc, & Alla Yushchenko Towards Trust: Policy Initiatives for Vaccine Confidence through Transparency and Education Audrey Corbeil, Rafael Fernandes Ferreira, Cody Malone, & Taylor Volappi Promotional Media Our Masters' students were tasked with creating promotional media, with three students paired with PhD teams to promote their policy proposals and one student promoting Lyme awareness. Promotional Media: Towards Trust Giuliana Matta Promotional Media: Lyme Disease Vaccine for Canadians Sarah Donald Promotional Media: Lyme Disease Prevention Yuxin Hu Promotional Media: Lyme Disease Awareness Paul Glenn Student Spotlight Highlighting trainees who went above and beyond in their first year. Taylor Volappi Trainee Representative to our Steering Committee Cody Koloski Virtual Discussion Forum Organizer ☆ Perfect Attendance ☆ Gillian Cameron Audrey Corbeil Rafael Fernandes Ferreira Natalia Lorenc

  • Our People | OHAP CREATE

    One Team Against Pathogens OHAP is the product of cooperation between diverse leaders, experts, and stakeholders, all working together to help our trainees expand their knowledge, skills, and experience so that they can go on to devise transformative solutions to existing OH challenges. Jennifer Ronholm, PhD Program Director Dr. Jennifer Ronholm is the Canada Research Chair in Agricultural Microbiology, an Associate Professor, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences of McGill University, and the primary applicant and Program Director of NSERC CREATE in One Health Against Pathogens (OHAP). Dr. Ronholm’s research interests include using the latest next-generation sequencing techniques to study the overall intestinal microbiome of ruminants, the effect of feed and husbandry on the ruminant microbiome, and if certain microbial populations are correlated with higher-quality and improved-safety animal food-products. The long-term overarching goal of this research is to understand and harness the power of the ruminant microbiome to generate healthier cattle herds. Learn More Brooklyn Frizzle Associate Program Director Brooklyn is a recent graduate in Microbiology and Immunology with experience in multidisciplinary undergraduate research and nonprofit administration. Their research focuses included asteroidian chronobiology, Poecilia reticulata behavioural studies, and Arthrobacter globiformis bacteriophage discovery and characterization. As Associate Director, Brooklyn acts as a resource person for co-applicants, collaborators, and trainees, ensuring their mutual success. They oversee all aspects of the program including its training mission, funding and budgeting, recruitment, communications, official reporting, and event planning. Contact Brooklyn Interdisciplinary, Interinstitutional OHAP is a collaboration between ten co-applicants from McGill University, the University of Saskatchewan, the University of Guelph, and l’Université de Montréal. Co-Applicants Partners Against Pathogens Our expanding network of government and nonprofit partners helps shape our training goals and approaches while providing advice and opportunities to our trainees. Through their involvement, our collaborators bridge gaps between academia and the public sector, encouraging sustainable inter-sector cooperation in one health. Collaborators Government & Non-Profit Office of the Chief Science Advisor Fisheries and Oceans Canada Tahatikonhsontóntie'

  • Trainees | OHAP

    Our Trainees Health agencies at all levels of government recognize the importance of One Health training in monitoring and containing FWVZ pathogens in Canada and around the world. Scientists with experience in public policy are equally in demand in private industry as they navigate the regulatory frameworks for new drugs and diagnostic tests. To stop the transmission of FWMZ pathogen transmission, scientists must learn to effectively communicate facts and evidence with the public, media, and policymakers. Our trainees are One Health-minded scientists with the skills needed to navigate complex social and political landscapes and support the development of regulations to manage global health crises. Our Universities All Brock University McGill University University of Guelph University of Saskatchewan Université de Montréal Cohorts All 2023 2024 Programs All MSc PhD 2024 Hesham Adam Department of Veterinary Microbiology, Western College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Saskatchewan Lyme disease is an emerging tick-borne disease in Canada and is caused by Borrelia burgdorferi . This spirochete resides in the skin of the vertebrate host. I will explore the impact of B. burgdorferi on the bacterial microbiome in the skin of mice and the ticks that feed on these mice. 2024 Melika Amoueian Institute of Parasitology, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, McGill University I have recently graduated from the University of Tehran with a Bachelor's degree in microbiology, and my research interests revolve around investigating the interactions between hosts and parasites, particularly viruses like Nipah. Currently, my project is focused on exploring the antiviral mechanisms of IFITMs against NiV. 2023 Gillian Cameron Department of Natural Resource Sciences, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, McGill University Gillian’s PhD thesis focuses on how copper affects the pathogen Legionella pneumophila . Her research aims to characterize the environmental conditions and mutations that lead to the emergence of copper resistance in L. pneumophila and examine the efficacy of using copper in Legionella control. 2024 Kirsten Campbell Institute of Parasitology, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, McGill University Kirsten graduated with a BSc in Microbiology and Chemistry from the University of Victoria. Her Master's thesis focuses on placental malaria and the role extracellular vesicles play in the disease. Her research aims to uncover vital biomarkers to provide early diagnosis and to discover novel host defence mechanisms. 2023 Audrey Corbeil Département de Pathologie et Microbiologie, Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire, Université de Montréal My PhD thesis interests revolve around extracellular vesicles (EVs), with a focus on the protozoan parasite Leishmania . My project aims to characterize this parasite and their EVs in the context of drug resistance and RNAi pathway modifications to gain a better understanding of their influence on parasite-parasite and parasite-vector interactions. 2023 Sarah Donald Department of Food Science, Ontario Agricultural College, University of Guelph Sarah is a MSc candidate whose research project focuses on natural products, with an interest in antimicrobials that are encoded by biosynthetic gene clusters (BGCs). Sarah’s project involves BGCs located on large plasmids found in actinomycetes, specifically BGCs on plasmids which contain prophage regions. 2023 Ivan Drahun Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Brock University My doctoral work investigates the vector competence of mosquito species, both native and invasive to Canada; specifically, their capability for infection with arthropod-borne viruses (e.g., West Nile and Zika viruses). I am also exploring the use of insect-specific viruses as a means of vector control and arbovirus transmission reduction. 2023 Rafael Fernandes Ferreira Département de Pathologie et Microbiologie, Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire, Université de Montréal I investigated, in my masters, and I’m currently working on phenotypic differences in Leishmania resistance to drugs. I aspire working as a researcher within institutes, organizations, universities, or the pharmaceutical industry, with the aim of advancing the development of improved strategies for the treatment and control of infections. 2023 Alexandra Foley-Eby Department of Veterinary Microbiology, Western College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Saskatchewan I focus on maternally transmitted strain-specific immunity in mice, against the Lyme disease bacterium. Immunology in Lyme has become a passion of mine as it pertains to prevention, diagnostics, treatment, and monitoring. For my future, I want to include more veterinary expertise, experience, and data in discussions, as well as prioritize patient-driven research. 2023 Paul Glenn Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, McGill University Paul evaluates the effect of disinfectants on the transfer of antibiotic resistance from bacteria present on food to Salmonella enterica . He aims to test disinfectants and surface sanitizers that are commonly used in the food industry to guide the regulation of these compounds and reduce the spread of antibiotic resistance. 2024 Yihan He Institute of Parasitology, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, McGill University My research work focuses on developing smart “lab-on-chip” microfluidic platform for rapid and accurate detection of foodborne pathogens, ensuring the production of safe and high-quality food for consumers. 2024 Leslie Herrera Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, McGill University As part of my project with the CFP lab and the Langlais lab team, I am exploring how DR and DS parasites, along with their extracellular vesicles, modulate host immune cells 2023 Yuxin Hu Department of Food Science, Ontario Agricultural College, University of Guelph After recently graduating from McGill University with BSc in Food Science & BSc in Nutritional Science, I am starting my graduate studies at University of Guelph. My graduate work will be centered on food safety and microbiology, with a focus on bacteriophages. 2023 Fiona Hui Institute of Parasitology, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, McGill University My research interest centers around the dynamic interactions among host microbiomes, their metabolomic profiles, and environmental exposures (including food, pathogens, drugs and other chemicals). We focus on utilizing computational approaches to analyze big data and to gain insights into their complex relationships. 2023 Cody Koloski Department of Veterinary Microbiology, Western College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Saskatchewan My interests include insect and arthropod vectors (ticks and mosquitoes), and the pathogens they harbor. My prior work characterized the molecular mechanisms of tick repellents. Presently, I devote my research to unraveling the complexities of superinfections of Borrelia burgdorferi in mice and subsequent transmission to feeding ticks. 2024 Marie Zoé Lapierre Department of Food Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, McGill University As an MSc candidate, Marie Zoé studies the phenomenon of loss of resistance in Leishmania infantum by generating revertant strains. Her research will allow us to evaluate the ability of the revertant parasites to survive in different hostile conditions and the presence of medication. 2024 Pierre-Luc Longchamps Department of Food Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, McGill University My research interests focus on bacterial dormancy states in the food supply chain, particularly in Campylobacter jejuni . I want to investigate how bacteria enter and exit dormancy states such as the viable but nonculturable (VBNC) and antibiotic persistent state to survive in the agri-food chain and how they contribute to biofilm formation and persistence 2023 Natalia Lorenc Department of Food Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, McGill University Natalia’s project focuses on antimicrobial resistance in Canadian aquaculture. She's working on identifying antibiotic resistant bacteria in aquatic food production and investigating the transfer pathways of antibiotic resistant genes in the food supply chain. Natalia’s research aims to develop intervention strategies to preserve the effectiveness of antimicrobials used in Canada. 2023 Yuxiao Lu Department of Food Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, McGill University My research interests center on the development of a microfluidic “lab-on-a-chip” device that couples isothermal amplification method for specific and rapid detection of foodborne pathogens during fresh produce processing. We currently focus on developing a microfluidic device coupled recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) with lateral flow assay (LFA) to screen norovirus in real food samples. 2023 Cody Malone Department of Veterinary Microbiology, Western College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Saskatchewan Cody’s PhD work is on the zoonotic food-borne parasite, Trichinella , in the North American North. Cody aims to characterize the newly discovered species, T. chanchalensis , and to provide meaningful information that those in the North can use to make informed decisions about the infection risk of consuming wild carnivores and omnivores. 2023 Giuliana Matta Institute of Parasitology, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, McGill University Giuliana recently graduated with a Bachelors in Life Sciences. She hopes to expand her knowledge on viruses and learn how they invade host cells. Her graduate studies focus on the Nipah Virus host cell attachment and budding, specifically the actin cytoskeleton's function in the M protein. Ultimately, Giuliana believes there is much more to discover in this complicated field. 2024 Kira Mudrey Department of Veterinary Microbiology, Western College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Saskatchewan My research interests center around the management of zoonotic infections in wildlife species. My current work focuses on developing rapid and lab-independent molecular diagnostic methods for Brucella abortus (Brucellosis) infection in wild bison, which will support wood bison conservation efforts in Canada. 2024 Salomé Plat Department of Food Science, Ontario Agricultural College, University of Guelph Recently graduated with a MSc in Molecular Microbiology, I am starting a PhD program at the University of Guelph. The aim of my PhD project is to develop a solution to inhibit the survival and propagation of antibiotic-resistant Salmonella strains with an approach based on phage- encoded sequences in combination with natural antimicrobial compounds. 2024 Ben Sakdinan Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, McGill University Vibrio cholerae is a waterborne pathogen that causes the severe diarrheal disease, cholera. This project aims to track phage:V. cholerae ratios over time in cholera patients to establish causal relationships, and develop and validate a predictive model of cholera disease severity based on the phage:V. cholerae ratio. 2024 Kyle Story Department of Natural Resource Sciences, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, McGill University My project is an examination of the pathogenicity of polar microbes collected from Mars and icy moon analogue sites in the high arctic. This research is part of a larger planetary protection study designed to prepare for the Mars Sample Return mission proposed for the early 2030’s. 2024 Parichay Raj Subedi Department of Veterinary Microbiology, Western College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Saskatchewan I am a veterinarian and MSc candidate studying antimicrobial resistance in Trueperella pyogenes , a pathogen prevalent in livestock infections. My research focuses on characterizing the antimicrobial susceptibility of T. pyogenes isolates, utilizing genome sequencing to identify genetic determinants of resistance, and enhancing antimicrobial stewardship practices. 2024 Jinha Suh Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, McGill University My research focuses on the differences in gut microbiota between Singaporean wild red junglefowl and Canadian domestic chickens. The goal of my project is to establish a culture collection of potential probiotic candidates that could help in treating key pathogenic diseases within the poultry industry. 2023 Taylor Volappi Department of Veterinary Microbiology, Western College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Saskatchewan Research involving the unexplored intricate interactions between hosts and parasites has always been my passion. My planned work centers around elucidating the infection ecology of Echinococcus multilocularis within its various hosts in Western Canada, and using laboratory techniques to determine the pathogenicity of the various strains located here. 2024 Amanda Williams Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Brock University To date, my research has investigated the interactions of arthropod-borne viruses in host cells as well as the susceptibility of mosquitoes to viral infection. My doctoral research seeks to characterize Caribbean mosquito species, and the viruses that infect them, with applications in public health and vector control.

  • Steering Committee

    Our Steering Committee The OHAP Steering Committee is an autonomous group ensuring oversight and accountability. The Committee guides our strategic direction, assessing our training program to identify its strengths and weaknesses, determine if our goals are being met, and provide recommendations to continue improving our offerings year after year. The Committee is chaired by a recognized leader with experience in government, industry, policy, and academia. Members are appointed by the Program Director according to approved criteria and serve for the duration of the program. These members include experts in EDI and program evaluation alongside members representing Graduate Studies, research stakeholders, and racialized and Indigenous communities. The appointed members are joined by an elected trainee representative, chosen by their peers to serve two-year terms. The OHAP Program Director and Associate Director serve as additional non-voting advisors to the Committee. Lynda Asiko Bulimo, MA Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion Advocate Equity Education Advisor, McGill University Lynda is an Equity Education Advisor (Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression Education) in the Equity Team at McGill University. Her work primarily focuses on developing and leading education-based initiatives for staff and faculty towards anti-racism and anti-oppression. Her research interests explore anti-Blackness, racism and mental health in higher education. Sean Quinlan, MSc, MBA Stakeholder Representative Food Safety Science Directorate, Canadian Food Inspection Agency Sean is the National Manager – Food Safety Research at the CFIA. He and his team are responsible for the management, oversight, and delivery of the CFIA’s food safety research program, which is focused on the development of methods for the detection, identification, and characterization of chemical and microbial hazards in food. Ethel LaValley Indigenous Representative Mayor, Township of South Algonquin Ethel LaValley is an Algonquin Elder of the Pikwakanagan First Nation. Ethel was elected to Council, becoming Mayor of the Township of South Algonquin, and serving four terms as Vice President of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario. She continues to be engaged as an Elder at traditional openings and gatherings and speaks on issues affecting Indigenous people. Genevieve Tanguay, PhD Committee Chair Office of the Chief Science Advisor of Canada Dr. Tanguay is Vice-Chief Science Advisor of Canada. She was the first woman Vice President Research at the National Research Council of Canada. Previously, she served as Vice-Rector Research at the University of Montreal and Assistant Deputy Minister for Research and Innovation in the Government of Québec. Throughout her career Dr. Tanguay has been recognised as a science policy leader both in Québec and in Canada. Josephine Nalbantoglu, PhD Graduate Studies Representative Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, McGill University Dr. Josephine Nalbantoglu is the Associate Provost (Graduate Education) and Dean of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies of McGill University. Her research interests focus on the molecular genetics of Alzheimer's Disease, on the regulation of gene expression in the nervous system and on gene therapy for brain tumours. Taylor Volappi, MSc Trainee Representative OHAP CREATE Program Research involving the unexplored intricate interactions between hosts and parasites has always been my passion. My planned work centers around elucidating the infection ecology of Echinococcus multilocularis within its various hosts in Western Canada, and using laboratory techniques to determine the pathogenicity of the various strains located here.

  • Co-Applicants | OHAP

    Our Co-Applicants An interinstitutional team of Co-Applicants combining unparalleled knowledge and experience to deliver first-class training in One Health while staying representative of gender, ethnic, cultural, and linguistic diversity. Internationally Recognized Expertise in pathogen diagnostics; vaccines and immunotherapies; drugs; evolution of antibiotic, insecticide, and drug resistance; and host-pathogen ecology and evolution. ​ Professional Practitioners in animal and human health, nutrition, and engineering, with technical skills in integrative data analysis, modeling, policy development and analysis, leadership and administration, and academic and stakeholder collaborations. ​ Award-Winning Instructors in One Health curriculum development, educational pedagogy, training, and publication. Sebastien Faucher, PhD Water-borne Pathogens Associate Professor, Department of Natural Resource Sciences, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, McGill University Read More Christopher Fernandez Prada, PhD Molecular Parasitology Professeur agrégé, Département de pathologie et microbiologie, Faculté de médecine vétérinaire, Université de Montréal Read More Lawrence Goodridge, PhD Food-borne Pathogen Dynamics Professor, Department of Food Science, Ontario Agricultural College, University of Guelph Read More Emily Jenkins, DVM, PhD Parasitic Zoonoses Professor, Department of Veterinary Microbiology, Western College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Saskatchewan Read More Qian (Vivian) Liu, PhD Viral Zoonoses Assistant Professor, Institute of Parasitology, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, McGill University Read More Maarten Voordouw, PhD Parasitology, Disease Ecology Assistant Professor, Department of Veterinary Microbiology, Western College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Saskatchewan Read More Scott Weese, DVM, DVSc, Dipl ACVIM Veterinary Internal Medicine Professor, Department of Pathobiology, Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph Read More Jianguo (Jeff) Xia, PhD Large Data Analysis Assistant Professor, Institute of Parasitology, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, McGill University Read More

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