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Our Steering Committee

The OHAP Steering Committee is an autonomous group ensuring oversight and accountability. The Committee guides our strategic direction, assessing our training program to identify its strengths and weaknesses, determine if our goals are being met, and provide recommendations to continue improving our offerings year after year.


The Committee is chaired by a recognized leader with experience in government, industry, policy, and academia. Members are appointed by the Program Director according to approved criteria and serve for the duration of the program. These members include experts in EDI and program evaluation alongside members representing Graduate Studies, research stakeholders, and racialized and Indigenous communities. The appointed members are joined by an elected trainee representative, chosen by their peers to serve two-year terms. The OHAP Program Director and Associate Director serve as additional non-voting advisors to the Committee.

Lynda Asiko Bulimo, MA

Lynda Asiko Bulimo, MA

Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion Advocate

Equity Education Advisor, McGill University

Lynda is an Equity Education Advisor (Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression Education) in the Equity Team at McGill University. Her work primarily focuses on developing and leading education-based initiatives for staff and faculty towards anti-racism and anti-oppression. Her research interests explore anti-Blackness, racism and mental health in higher education.

Sean Quinlan, MSc, MBA

Sean Quinlan, MSc, MBA

Stakeholder Representative

Food Safety Science Directorate, Canadian Food Inspection Agency

Sean is the National Manager – Food Safety Research at the CFIA. He and his team are responsible for the management, oversight, and delivery of the CFIA’s food safety research program, which is focused on the development of methods for the detection, identification, and characterization of chemical and microbial hazards in food.

Ethel LaValley

Ethel LaValley

Indigenous Representative

Mayor, Township of South Algonquin

Ethel LaValley is an Algonquin Elder of the Pikwakanagan First Nation. Ethel was elected to Council, becoming Mayor of the Township of South Algonquin, and serving four terms as Vice President of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario. She continues to be engaged as an Elder at traditional openings and gatherings and speaks on issues affecting Indigenous people.

Genevieve Tanguay, PhD

Genevieve Tanguay, PhD

Committee Chair

Office of the Chief Science Advisor of Canada

Dr. Tanguay is Vice-Chief Science Advisor of Canada. She was the first woman Vice President Research at the National Research Council of Canada. Previously, she served as Vice-Rector Research at the University of Montreal and Assistant Deputy Minister for Research and Innovation in the Government of Québec. Throughout her career Dr. Tanguay has been recognised as a science policy leader both in Québec and in Canada.

Josephine Nalbantoglu, PhD

Josephine Nalbantoglu, PhD

Graduate Studies Representative

Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, McGill University

Dr. Josephine Nalbantoglu is the Associate Provost (Graduate Education) and Dean of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies of McGill University. Her research interests focus on the molecular genetics of Alzheimer's Disease, on the regulation of gene expression in the nervous system and on gene therapy for brain tumours. 

Taylor Volappi, MSc

Taylor Volappi, MSc

Trainee Representative


Research involving the unexplored intricate interactions between hosts and parasites has always been my passion. My planned work centers around elucidating the infection ecology of Echinococcus multilocularis within its various hosts in Western Canada, and using laboratory techniques to determine the pathogenicity of the various strains located here.

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