Application Portal
Applications for the 2025/2026 OHAP trainee cohort are due November 30, 2024, at 23h59 EST.
Applications may also be submitted as video or audio recordings containing the same information requested below. Recorded applications must be sent by email to the Associate Director.
If you have any accessibility concerns that might impact your ability to complete your application or would like to request a deadline extension for circumstances out of your control, please contact the Associate Director before the deadline to discuss possible accommodations.
Assessment Criteria
​Applications to the OHAP program are reviewed by a committee composed of our Co-Applicants and Collaborators. With few exceptions, eligibility is limited to students entering the first year of a thesis-based graduate program (Master's or PhD). Preference is given to applicants who possess the following:
A co-supervisor in government or industry;
A collaborative or interdisciplinary partnership in academia, government or industry;
An academic or professional background in a One Health field;
A project with clearly defined goals that would advance One Health in Canada;
Clear career goals that will be directly advanced by their participation in OHAP; and
Academic excellence (e.g. superior grades, publications, awards, etc.).
In addition to the listed criteria, Indigenous applicants are strongly prioritized. If you have any questions regarding the application process or our assessment procedures, please contact the Associate Director.
Supporting Document Guidelines
For text-based applications, submitted through our application portal, please upload your supporting documents in PDF or Word (.docx) format. For readability, we encourage the use of 12-point font, Times New Roman or equivalent, and 1.5 line spacing.
Introduce Yourself (Approx. 250 words)
Provide an overview of your educational background. List post-secondary institutions that you have attended along with degrees obtained.
What in your background led you to the study of infectious diseases or One Health?
Describe why you would like to pursue a graduate degree with the supervisor you have chosen.
Partnership, if applicable (Approx. 250 words)
List all academic, government, and industry partners involved in your project.
Describe experiments that will take place in your partner organizations’ facilities.
Describe your partners’ contributions to funding your project (if any).
Extenuating Circumstances (Optional)
Applicants are welcome to explain any extenuating circumstances that may have impacted their academic performance.
Our admissions committee will take these circumstances into account when evaluating your application.
Use this section to provide a list of your most relevant literature references. Do not refer readers to websites for additional information on your proposal. Do not introduce hyperlinks in your list of references.
Project Goals (Approx. 500 words)
​Provide a brief background of the project to be undertaken as part of your current graduate program.
List your hypothesis and overarching objectives.
Describe the importance of the topic to Canada and how the expected outcomes will benefit Canada from a One Health perspective.
Your proposed supervisor is encouraged to collaborate with you in writing this portion of the application.
Career Goals (Approx. 250 words)
Outline your career goals and how your participation in OHAP will help you accomplish them.
Describe the contributions you wish to make Canadian and Global Health throughout your career.
PI Statement and Signature
The PI must read and sign the application document submitted by the applicant. Digital signatures are accepted.
Their signature must be accompanied by a statement indicating that the PI agrees to mentor and advise the applicant and provide matching stipend funds from existing research grants which, at minimum, double the stipend provided by the OHAP program (excluding Indigenous applicants).